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Kizomba Urban


Kizomba Urban, a style gaining popularity in urban centers, is often danced to R&B-influenced music, like Ghetto Zouk, characterised by a faster tempo than traditional Kizomba or Kizomba Fusion. This faster pace demands greater skill and precision from dancers.

Both dancers need to execute the basic movements and weight transfers of Kizomba or Tarraxo accurately. Unlike Kizomba Fusion, which often uses longer counts, Kizomba Urban typically follows a four-count rhythm, aligning with the quick and varied beats of R&B music.

This style emphasises sharper movements, contrasting with the longer, flowing steps of traditional Kizomba. Core steps like the ladies' saida and man's saida are adapted to fit the brisk tempo, with leaders sometimes incorporating additional steps within a single beat.

Some dancers view Urban Kizomba as distinct from traditional styles, citing its departure from classical steps and the relaxed connection. However, a deeper understanding reveals that mastery of traditional movements is crucial in Urban Kizomba.

Urban Kizomba favours steps like side-to-side movements, forward and backward walking steps, blocks, pivots, leans, and elements of hip-hop, over the traditional saida. Similar to Semba in its speed, it requires a strong foundational connection for effective leading and following.

The combination of faster music and dynamic movements lends Urban Kizomba an appealing, lively, and stylish character, especially when blended with Tarraxa rhythms.

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